Bridge for Asylum Seekers donor transition

As part of our transition from a Uniting committee to an independent incorporated association we have established a new bank account with Bank Australia*. We understand that changing accounts creates an administrative burden for you and so we have outlined the process below to try to make the transition as easy as possible.

To redirect your donations from Uniting to Bank Australia is a 2 step process

1. Cancel direct debits with Uniting
a. You may cancel your Uniting direct debit by giving 14 days notice in writing before the next Debit Day.
b. To action this you need to complete (steps 1, 2, 3 and 5 only) of the form downloadable via this link.
c. You then need to post the form to Uniting Financial Services PO Box A2178 Sydney South NSW 1235. Please note that they do not accept facsimilie or emailed copies.

2. Set up recurring funds transfer to our new account with Bank Australia. This can be done online (steps outlined under option a below) or in the local branch of your financial institution (steps outlined under option b below)

a. Login into your internet banking and select to set up a recurring electronic funds transfer (EFT). You will then be asked to input the amount you wish to donate, the frequency and our new payee account details

Name: Bridge For Asylum Seekers Incorporated
BSB: 313140
Account Number: 12297971


b. In person at a branch – you can request for them to set up a recurring transfer by specifying the amount you wish to donate, the frequency and providing our new payee account details

Name: Bridge For Asylum Seekers Incorporated
BSB: 313140
Account Number: 12297971

The benefit of setting these payments up with your financial institution is that you retain full control over the payments and manage the relationship directly with them.

We thank you so much for your help with our transition to independence and your ongoing support for asylum seekers in need.

*Bank Australia was selected on the basis it is fully owned by its customers with profits returned to customers and investments used to create positive social and environmental change. They lend to a range of not-for-profit community customers who provide vital services including refugee assistance. Bank Australia is certified as a B Corporation (with a 104.2 B Impact Score as at 17 November 2020).