Benjamin: Bridge for Asylum Seekers is one of the most enduring and longest-running organisations assisting asylum seekers in Australia.

What’s crucial about their work is that the money goes directly to the asylum seekers themselves, for daily and ongoing essentials they need for survival.

Benjamin Law author, journalist and Bridge Ambassador

Freelancer to national dailies and author: “The Family Law”; “Gaysia: Adventures in the Queer East”.

Benjamin Law author, journalist and Bridge Amabassador

Freelancer to national dailies and author: “The Family Law”; “Gaysia: Adventures in the Queer East”.

Benjamin: Bridge for Asylum Seekers is one of the most enduring and longest-running organisations assisting asylum seekers in Australia.

What’s crucial about their work is that the money goes directly to the asylum seekers themselves, for daily and ongoing essentials they need for survival.

Sister Susan: I am honoured to be an ambassador for Bridge as it provides the fairness, compassion and ingenuity that so many asylum seekers’ welfare depends upon.

Bridge’s contribution to Australian integrity, when powerful interests are playing on Australian fears to refugees as easy scapegoats, has never been more necessary—sadly.

Sister Susan Connelly Josephite Sister and frontline religious leader

“My ‘arrest’ in Prime Minister Turnbull’s office was an enormously Eucharistic moment.”

Sister Susan Connelly Josephite Sister and frontline religious leader

“My ‘arrest’ in Prime Minister Turnbull’s office was an enormously Eucharistic moment.”

Sister Susan: I am honoured to be an ambassador for Bridge as it provides the fairness, compassion and ingenuity that so many asylum seekers’ welfare depends upon.

Bridge’s contribution to Australian integrity, when powerful interests are playing on Australian fears to refugees as easy scapegoats, has never been more necessary—sadly.